Rats stir-fried with citronella and pimento

After hunting rats, people boil water in a pan and dip them in hot water. After that shed their skins to display white rat meat and hang them for drying off. Eleminating their heads, tails and legs etc. Then chop the rats into proper parts for eating and mix them with garlic, sodium glutamate, sugar, salt, five-taste flavour, soya sauce etc. for 5 minutes for penetration. While mixing, someone else sets a pan on fire for becoming hot. Then put cooking oil and garlic into the pan. Turn the garlic to become yellow and smell. After that, add ground citronella and pimento to the pan and stir-fry continuously until they become dry. At this time put the chopped rat into the pan for stir-frying. When it is well-done, spread pepper and peanuts on the top. It is more delicious to have the dish while it is still hot.