Pleiku's Attraction

Pleiku does not receive a lot of tourists. The select individuals who do get to this town quickly discover that while there are not many attractions, one of them is the Bien Ho (Sea Lake). Located about six kilometres north of Pleiku, is a flooded crater of an old volcano. Visitors should head north on Pham Van Dong and turn right at Ton Duc Thang to see the road to the lake, a tree-lined path that descends to the crater. There is a jetty with a gazebo, from which visitors can enjoy the best views.
Another attraction is the Cong Vien Dong Xanh, or the Fossil Tree Water Park. Found about 10 kilometres outside Pleiku, this tourist spot has fossilised trees on display, however, the trees did not originally grow in this location. Tourists should visit at weekends, when the waterslides, zoo and crocodile pond are open.
Other places are The Gia Lai and Ho Chi Minh museums, Yaly Falls and Phu Cuong Waterfall.