Sap coconut

Sap coconut is also called coconut with thick pulp. Sap coconut is similar to ordinary coconut in form, but its pulp is very thick and sometimes fills most of the inside. The remaining coconut milk is as thick as glue.
Sap coconut pulp is as soft and viscid as condensed flour. In order to tell sap coconut and ordinary coconut apart, we use the back of a knife blade to knock on coconut shell. If it is a clear sound, it is ordinary coconut. But if it is an unclear sound or a heavy sound, it is sap coconut.
A bunch of coconuts from sap coconut tree usually contains 4 to 5 sap coconuts and even no sap coconuts. Sap coconut is used to make vitamin or we scrape the coconut pulp out to mix with milk and ice. One who ate sap coconut once would never forget its scent and fatty taste.